Name of Organisation


and Legal Position

Term of







Appointments to Council Bodies:





Members Advisory Group on Grants (3)

The delegations require grants in excess of £3000 to be approved following consultation with the Members’ Advisory Group for grants.


2 Labour



1 Conservative

Cllr Chandni Mistry

Cllr Les Hamilton


Cllr Lyons


Brighton & Hove Legacy Fund (3)

To oversee the Brighton Community Fund, with grants made under the following two objectives:

(i)      Awards to community and voluntary organisations supporting children and young people across Brighton and Hove; and

(ii)     Awards to support aims and objectives of libraries.


2 Labour




1 Green

Cllr Amanda Grimshaw

Cllr Bharti Gajjar


Cllr Raphael Hill


The Brighton Fund (Mayor plus 4)


The primary objective of the Brighton Fund (approx. £1m) is the relief of Brighton residents who are over the age of 60 and who are in need, hardship or distress. The Charity’s articles list the Mayor and 4 Councillors as making up the Board of Trustees.


The Mayor plus



2 Labour




1 Green


1 Conservative


Cllr Mohammed Asaduzzaman

Cllr Bruno De Oliveira


Cllr Ellen McLeay


Cllr Lyons


Open Market Community Interest Company (1)

Community Interest Company (CIC) incorporated to take ownership through a community asset transfer of the Brighton Open Market following redevelopment of the market site on London Road. The CIC is a private company limited by guarantee where director's individual liability is restricted to £1.00. the Articles of Association provides for the Council to have 19% of the member voting rights and director representation on the CIC board, which avoids issues of influenced companies.

One director is currently required to be appointed to the CIC board to represent the council's company membership. If the number of directors reaches 10 then the council has the right to appoint a second director.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Liz Loughran


Patrol Adjudication Joint Committee (1)

A joint committee which requires Brighton & Hove City Cllr representation. The PATROL Adjudication Joint Committee enables Councils to exercise

their traffic management functions jointly with the other councils. This includes appointing independent adjudicators to the Traffic Penalty

Also sits on the Bus Lane Adjudication Service Joint Committee

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Trevor Muten




The Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) is a body that every Local Authority is required to set up as a requirement of the 1988 Education Act. Its current terms of reference are to advise the authority upon such matters connected with religious worship in community schools and the religious education to be given in accordance with an agreed syllabus.

4 years

2 Labour



1 Green


1 Conservative


Cllr Les Hamilton

Cllr Bharti Gajjar


Cllr Raphael Hill


Cllr Lyons



Appointments to Partnerships:

Term of







Brighton & Hove Armed Forces Community Covenant (3)

The Civil Military Partnership Board was established in 2012 in order to focus on the overall aims and objectives of the community covenant and help facilitate the provision of support to the Brighton & Hove Armed Forces Community.

4 years

1 Labour


1 Green


1 Conservative

Cllr Amanda Grimshaw


Cllr Ellen McLeay


Cllr Meadows


Brighton & Hove Connected (3)

Responsible for producing Sustainable Community Strategy and managing family of partnerships.



2 Labour



1 Green

Cllr Bella Sankey

Cllr Ty Goddard


Cllr Steve Davis


Brighton & Hove Economic Partnership (3)

The partnership acts as the voice of business on the Brighton & Hove and Greater Brighton City Region economies.

Legal status: un-constituted partnership

4 years

2 Labour


1 Conservative

Cllr Amanda Evans

Cllr Ty Goddard


Cllr McNair


Brighton & Hove Food Partnership (1)

Aims to drive forward delivery of the Cities Food Strategy ‘Spade to Spoon’. A Cllr is appointed to the Board of Directors.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Mitchie Alexander


Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (1)

Independently chaired, consists of three key agencies who collectively hold statutory responsibilities for keeping children and young people safe; the Local Authority, Health and Sussex Police. The BHSCP’s objectives are to co-ordinate work undertaken by all agencies and individuals to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and to ensure the effectiveness of that work.


1 Labour

Cllr Lucy Helliwell


Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Adult Board (2)

Statutory (Care Act) group of statutory, private, voluntary, and independent organisations across Brighton & Hove who work together to promote the welfare of vulnerable adults. Publish a strategic plan, an annual report and commission Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs).


2 Labour

Cllr Tristram Burden

Cllr Ty Galvin


Community Safety Partnership Board (3)

The Community Safety Partnership Board is responsible for ensuring the statutory and other duties of the Community Safety Partnership Board are delivered effectively and efficiently by its Responsible Authorities and partners. The overarching duty is to reduce crime and disorder, improve community safety and reduce re-offending in Brighton & Hove. This duty is set out in the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and in subsequent guidance and legislation.  


2 Labour



1 Conservative

Cllr Andrei Czolak

Cllr Emma Daniel


Cllr Samer Bagaeen


Downland Advisory Panel (5)

Allows Brighton & Hove City Council to draw on and access local skills, experience and expertise, to advise on the management of the City Downland Estate and assist with the strategic direction and implementation of the City Downland Estate Plan – its policy development, plans and delivery.



3 Labour



1 Green



1 Conservative

Cllr Theresa Fowler

Cllr Mitchie Alexander

Cllr Trevor Muten


Cllr Pete West


Cllr Samer Bagaeen


Equalities and Inclusion Partnership (1)

The partnership is commissioned by Brighton & Hove Connected to drive improvements in community engagement, specifically collaborative working between public services and communities, to reduce inequality and foster community resilience and activity.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Leslie Pumm


East Sussex Strategic Planning Group (1)

The purpose of the Strategic Planning Members Group is to raise awareness of cross boundary issues and explore key matters of concern. Quarterly meeting – Planning Lead Councillor attends.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Jacob Allen


Coastal West Sussex Strategic Planning Board (1)

Comprises lead councillors from each of the local planning authorities across Coastal West Sussex and Greater Brighton. The Board is an advisory body whose remit is to:
-identify and manage spatial planning issues that impact on more than one local planning area across the Coastal West Sussex and Greater Brighton area; and
-support better integration and alignment of strategic spatial and investment priorities in the Coastal West Sussex and Greater Brighton area.


1 Labour

Cllr Liz Loughran


Coast 2 Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (1)

Local business led partnership between local authorities and businesses seeking to determine local economic priorities and drive economic growth and the create local jobs. Leader of the Council.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Bella Sankey


Joint Staff Consultation Forum (6)

The role of the Joint Staff Consultation Forum is to provide a mechanism for regular communication and consultation (a) in support of the Council’s approach to working in partnership with its recognised trade unions and professional associations and (b) to maintain a healthy employee relations climate.

4 years

4 Labour




1 Green


1 Conservative

Cllr Bella Sankey

Cllr Paul Nann

Cllr Julie Cattell

Cllr Jacqui Simon

Cllr Steve Davis


Cllr Alistair McNair


Orbis Partnership Oversight Board (2)

To oversee and monitor the delivery of the Orbis Partnership for the benefit of each participating council. Annual meeting.


2 Labour

Cllr Joy Robinson

Cllr Jacob Taylor


One Voice Partnership (3)

The One Voice partnership is based on empowering communities by ensuring positive media messages on local BME and minority communities, developing community resilience against extremism and terrorism, ensuring joint working to support cohesion and integration and facilitating these communities to come together to celebrate shared values around promoting inclusion, pluralism and partnership working.


2 Labour




1 Conservative

Cllr Leslie Pumm

Cllr Mohammed Asaduzzaman


Cllr Ivan Lyons


Prevent Board (1)

The Prevent Board coordinates activities with  partners to tackle and reduce risks of people joining or supporting all forms of terrorism. The Board works with communities to develop resilience to extremist influences which support terrorism.    


1 Labour

Cllr Andrei Czolak


Transport for the South East (1)

A Member Partnership Board at Leader or Executive / Lead Councillor level comprising representation from 16 Local Transport Authorities within the South East Region.. Its role is to set a Transport Strategy and further represent and deliver Transport Infrastructure and support Growth for the Region and work in partnership with Government and Strategic Agencies including Network Rail, Highways England, National Parks, 5 LEPs and 44 Boroughs & Districts.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Trevor Muten


Transport Partnership (3)

Formed in 2009, bringing together various partners with an overlapping interest in transport within the city, the Transport Partnership’s aim is to assist in developing an integrated and accessible transport system that minimises damage to the environment and promotes sustainable and healthy travel choices that will contribute to a safer, cleaner, quieter city, and contributes towards the delivery of the Community Strategy’s other key priority areas.

4 years

2 Labour



1 Green

Cllr Trevor Muten

Cllr Gary Wilkinson


Cllr Steve Davis


Enhanced Bus Partnership (2)

The Enhanced Partnership is the formal, legally binding, agreement between the Council and Bus Operators which has been established under the Transport Act 2000 (as amended by the Bus Services Act 2017).  Its aim is to deliver the council’s Bus Service Improvement Plan [BSIP], which sets out the strategic vision for how the council and bus operators will improve bus services in the city.  This includes:-

• Increase bus passenger numbers

• Reduce bus journey times

• Increase bus passenger satisfaction levels

• Improve bus reliability

4 years

2 Labour

Cllr Trevor Muten

Cllr David McGregor



Youthwise (3)

Views and recommendations from this group will be taken into account and will be represented at the Children, Young People and Skills Committee by the Councillors and Youth Council representative. Membership includes young people from different areas, groups and youth services in the city including representatives from the Youth Council, Children in Care Council, commissioned youth projects and other youth organisations


2 Labour



1 Green

Cllr Sheard

Cllr Chandni Mistry


Cllr Chloe Goldsmith




Appointments to Outside Bodies:






Brighton & Hove Barnardo’s Link Plus Fostering Panel (1)

Jointly constituted Fostering Panel that hears Barnardo’s cases


4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Emma Daniel



Brighton & Hove Estates Conservation Trust (2)

Registered charity with objectives to improve the conservation and enhancement of the natural and built environment of the south downs, in particular Stanmer Park.

4 years

2 Labour

Cllr Theresa Fowler

Cllr Robinson



Brighton & Hove Music Trust (3)

Approximately £125k fund invested to advance education by promoting the study and practice of music amongst students of all ages normally resident in Brighton in Hove.


2 Labour


1 Conservative

Cllr Birgit Miller

Cllr Tim Rowkins

Cllr Emma Hogan



Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes Ltd (3)

A not-for profit charitable company set up by the Council to raise investment to improve empty properties – 499 empty properties leased to Seaside Homes by the Council. 3 Members who are not members of P&R or Housing Committees.

4 years

2 Labour


1 Green

Cllr Liz Loughran

Cllr Jacob Allen


Cllr Kerry Pickett



Brighton Dome & Festival Limited (2)

Charitable Trust with 2 Cllrs appointed to the Board of Trustees.


2 Labour

Cllr Jackie O’Quinn

Cllr Jilly Stevens



East Sussex Fire Authority (6)


Under the East Sussex Fire Services (Combination Scheme) Order 1996 each constituent authority appoints members to the Fire Authority

4 years

4 Labour







1 Conservative

Cllr Ty Goddard

Cllr Amanda Evans

Cllr Mohammed Asaduzzaman

Cllr Trevor Muten


Cllr Pete West


Cllr Carol Theobald



East Sussex Pension Board (1)

A new Board required to be established by The Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) (Governance) Regulations 2015.


1 Labour

Cllr Bharti Gajjar



Gorham’s Gift ((3)

Trust managing parts of Telscombe Village left to the Council.

4 years

2 Labour


1 B&H Independent Group

Cllr Fowler

Cllr Loughran


Cllr Bridget Fishleigh



Homes for Brighton & Hove LLP (3)

Partnership between Brighton & Hove City Council and the Hyde Group to provide new affordable homes for local people, specifically for lower income households in Brighton & Hove.

4 years

2 Labour


1 Green

Cllr Gill Williams

Cllr Andrei Colzak


Cllr Ellen McLeay



Local Government Association (4)

Representatives attend the LGA Annual Conference and membership provides access to seminars/information.




2 Labour


1 Green


1 Conservative

Cllr Bella Sankey

Cllr Tristram Burden

Cllr Steve Davis


Cllr Carol Theobald



Sussex Police & Crime Panel (2)

A joint Committee required by Regulations to monitor and support the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner. First member from majority group. Second member to be confirmed to reflect overall political composition of SPCP.

4 years

1 Labour



Cllr Andrei Colzak


Race Ground Lessees (2)

Two Directors are required to be appointed to the Raceground Company to reflect the Council’s shareholding in the Company.

4 years

2 Labour

Cllr John Hewitt

Cllr Ty Galvin


Shoreham Port Authority LA Liaison Committee (1)

This Local Authority Liaison Committee and a Port Users group have also been established to provide a mechanism by which key stakeholders can formally communicate with Port representatives.

4 years

1 Labour


Cllr Joy Robinson


Shoreham Harbour Leaders Board (1)

To deliver the regeneration of Shoreham Harbour. Membership includes Shoreham Port Authority, Adur, BHCC and WSCC. Planning lead member or Leader attends.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Liz Loughran


South Downs National Park Authority (1)


Responsible for Planning, Governance and Policy for South Downs National Park.

Required by Regulations.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Theresa Fowler


Southern Regional Flood & Coastal Committee (1)


The Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC) is a committee established by the Environment Agency under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 that brings together members appointed by Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) and independent members.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Theresa Fowler


Sussex IFCA (1)

Inshore Fishing and Conservation Authority. Cllr Committee member. Managing a sustainable marine environment.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Theresa Fowler


The Royal Pavilion Trust Board (3)

3 members appointed to the board.

3 Years

2 Labour



1 Green

Cllr Alan Robins

Cllr Amanda Grimshaw


Cllr Sue Shanks


The West Pier Trust Board (1)

The West Pier Trust is a charity and a limited company which owns the pier and the rights that attach to it. It is non-profit making. The objects for which the Trust is established are:

  1. to preserve and enhance for the public benefit the area comprising the Pier, the foreshore around and below it and their immediate surroundings which are hereinafter referred to as ‘the area of benefit’;
  2. to promote high standards of planning and architecture in the area of benefit;
  3. to secure the preservation protection development and improvement of features of historic interest in the area of benefit.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Alan Robins


University of Sussex Court (1)

Meets Annually as the Sussex Annual Forum to promote the Research, Teaching and interests of the University to the local area and enhance relationships with businesses.

4 years

1 Labour

Cllr Ty Goddard